“A Day Of Radio” – Hanging With The Guys Up On The Great Hill
I judge all of my activities using roller skating as a barometer. As a long long long time roller skater, one of the things I like best about the skate community is its consistency. Skaters gotta skate as they say. The rinks have set hours for “adult nights” where we all show up and roll around. Week after week after week. For decades. It is as consistent as breathing and sleeping. It never matters when exactly you arrive, when exactly you leave, or if you miss a night or two. There is no one to check in with and your friends will be there, if not this night, then the next. Skaters gotta skate.
So, when I took up the amateur radio hobby in the beginning of 2019, I expected (like I eluded to above, with my insular thinking I fundamentally believe every activity should flow like a roller rink), that a group of extremely enthusiastic, consistent, RF-obsessed people would mash up every week or two without fail and play some serious hardcore radio together. The truth is, while I deeply love the people I have met in my various radio clubs and pursuits, I have not been particularly satisfied with the “playing radio” part. There just hasn’t been enough of it and while I love organizing events, I only know what I know. Meaning I have not had a lot of time with the true gurus who are going to push the limits of my radio knowledge.
But, I think I finally found my oasis…

In a locals-only, hillside town park overlooking the Beantown skyline across the Boston Harbor, i.e. Great Hill Park of Weymouth MA, a group of amateur radio operators have decided to meet up and play radio together one Saturday each month. The Great Hill Gang, as they are now known, was born out of the lockdowns of the COVID-19 pandemic, heralding their birthdate as ARRL Field Day 2020. They have never missed a month since.

I have been hearing about the Great Hill Gang, and their increasingly well-known monthly meetups for quite some time on the Monday evening nets on the Boston Amateur Radio Club repeater 145.23. In fact, I had also been listening to various folks talk about participating in the Great Hill Gang 2M SSB net that also occurs on Monday night. Well, a couple of Mondays ago I decided to pull out my Yaesu FT-857D and see if I could make it into the 7pm net. Not wanting to fuss too much with antennas, and hoping for a horizontal polarization, I figured, why not try my 40M OCF antenna and see if I could contact them on that. Low and behold, I did! Not very well, but I did! We’ll come back to my choice of antennas later…
Well, this particular contact led to a semi-personalized invitation to come up and join the gang on Great Hill. This, along with some operating time at the amazing K1USN club house for Veteran’s Day (where I met some of the Great Hill Gang regulars) opened the door for me to participate. Not that I or anyone needs a special invitation to hang out with this very welcoming group of hams, but it still put me at ease. So, this past Saturday, AA1F and I gathered our radio gear and made our way up the hill…

We found a spot to tuck Limey (my van) in to between the other radio vehicles. Everyone was set up around the backside of a roundabout. Mike K1UVH, and to the best of my knowledge, the organizer of the Great Hill Gang, welcomed us immediately. In fact, almost like pieces of a puzzle, a lot of the callsigns I’d regularly hear over the air were now matching with faces. It will take me a bit of time to figure out and keep track of who’s who, but I am well on my way! I’ll come back to it, but I set up a fiberglass mast on my tow hook (see the post about it here and an updated version here.) That’s me with the Yaesu FT-857D (again) and Bioenno 15ah LiFePo4 battery for a 6M and 2M operation.

RF was flying everywhere! Wire antennas, verticals, handitalkies, and multiple HF radios were arranged under Mike K1UVH’s tents.

The thing you understand immediately about the Great Hill Gang is that they love radio. That’s Nellie below checking out the scene from the back of Limey.

This is Scot N1JSM. Turns out not only is he a ham, he is also a competitive roller skater! And a van lover! Small world! We had met for the first time at K1USN’s Veteran’s Day special event station, where it turns out he also knows where to find delicious quesadillas! That is an Icom IC-7300 that he has specially mounted on to a tripod below. Across the pavement, AA1F has set up his trusty 20M EFHW in the trees. We should probably set up a mast for him next time, because he spent a lot of the morning sitting by himself near that guardrail hunting POTA stations. In total he chased down approximately 20 portable operators.

Even the flag pole, which sadly lacked a flag, was utilized for an endfed antenna.

As a little aside, while I was at K1USN for Veteran’s Day, Mike NA1XX, another founding member of the Great Hill Gang and participant in the 2M SSB net brought by a “junk antenna” for me. He had picked out all of these pieces (to include a broomstick and a bamboo shoot) from the dumpster of a local yacht club, built himself a 2M double bazooka dipole, and now saw that he could give his creation to a good home. That good home being a particular ham that thought it was a good idea to try to make the 2M SSB net by radiating through a 40M OCF at her QTH, i.e., me. I was touched! And I brought it by to the Great Hill to put it on the air along with my 6M 4-element beam by Arrow Antenna.

Sure enough, sitting about 25 feet in the air on top of my fiberglass mast, the junk antenna registered an SWR of under 1.5 to 1 across the entire 2M band. I quickly made two 2M contacts, the furthest in Watertown 15 to 20 miles away. Next, we pointed the 6M beam north and I reached Archie N1PGF from Chichester NH, about 75 miles away as the crow flies on side band. He asked me to try him on 2M, but we could not connect. Thanks for the fun 6M qso Archie!

And then, as if this wonderful day wasn’t already enough, Jim KC1MJB had taken my woes with my trailer hitch mast holder as a challenge to design his own. He fabricated this beauty to be used with the military masts. I plan on testing it out at next month’s Great Hill Gang meetup. Thanks Jim!

Below you can see AA1F shooting the breeze with a local ham radio celebrity (at least in my opinion), Peter KC1HHO, who we routinely listen to officiating the 2M traffic net on Monday nights. That is Mike K1UVH’s ham radio trailer. There was even a steady stream of coffee and homemade cupcakes for the taking!

The Great Hill Gang and their Day of Radio are a blast! All of the Boston area radiophiles should take a trip up the hill to hang out with this great group. The pure enthusiasm for the RF arts is obvious. The atmospheric is festive, friendly, and engaging. New and experienced hams alike would be welcomed with open arms. I expect they will be stuck with me for quite some time…just like the rinks, if they tell me when to show up, I will!
Nice to have met you on the Hill for a brief few minutes, if only to show off the 50 year old Clegg 66er in the back seat of my truck. Next month I hope to have an operating setup and more time for the Hill. Six months ago I was up there with my IC-705, random wire with small hand tuner and military mast mounted on my hitch. I made a 20m contact, then a 6m contact and that was it. 5 watts on battery power was just marginal. But it didn’t matter one bit. The Great Hill Gang helped me on setup and encouragement. Next time it will be 100 watts and better antenna setup with tuner. It’s not important how many contacts are made on the Hill, it’s the friendship of radio that counts. Some of the guys I have know since the 1970’s, some are new. All are nice to meet and know. I heard you on the last Monday 2m 144.244 SSB net and will listen again this week. 73 from WB1EVP
Great to meet you too Dave! Not that I am a boat anchor expert, bit your Clegg sure looks like a beautiful radio to me! I couldn’t agree more about camaraderie and the pursuit of knowledge being more important than the quantity of contacts. Except that it’s sure fun to make them! I look forward to seeing your next set-up. And thanks for showing off the Clegg! 73s Mindy
Hi Mindy!
It was great to meet “Mark and Mindy” up on the Hill Saturday. Your mobile ops rig is quite impressive and has me rethinking what I may get for my next vehicle. I was happy to see you using the antenna that Mike, NA1XX put together. He is definitely a wealth of knowledge and is always helping out members of the “Gang”.
A related note: your signal during the GHG 2M SSB Net using Mikes antenna was a remarkable improvement over last week.
Welcome to the Great Hill Gang and I hope to see Mark and you again next month.
73 for now
Hi Scott: It was great to meet up with you as well! The 17 mpg aside, I love that van! It is about to hit 100,000 miles and I’ve loved every mile with it. Just the sheer amount of uncluttered space (well, before all of my stuff is in it) that you get with a cargo van is awesome. The junk antenna rocked, and I was quite touched that Mike even thought to pass it on to me. There is something about being on side band on 2M that makes you feel part of the real club, haha! Looking forward to the next one! 73s Mindy
Hi Mindy,
Thank you for the wonderful tribute to the Great Hill Gang and especially for the kind words about the 2 meter junk antenna. It works! You sounded great tonite on the SSB net. I just run 30 watts up to a copper pipe slim jim antenna in the attic. You were S7 loud and clear even if you were horizontal. Success!
Thank you for being a part of what we are doing to keep ham radio alive and well (and a lot of fun!).
73 Mike NA1XX
Mike: The antenna is awesome! I totally dig the overall shabby chic aesthetics of it…and it worked like a charm! I have a little toroid, capacitor, and enameled wire package for you in exchange. The Great Hill Gang really is an awesome addition to the radio community, and I am delighted to now be a part of it! 73s Mindy
Do you guys do this on the same Saturday each month ie; 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.? I am wanting to try and start something like this here locally to help generate more radio interest. Will be looking for your group on the bands. Enjoy ur blogs
73 de ka0eiv
Hi Ron: It varies each month due to the scheduling of the organizers, but seems to often fall on the 2nd Saturday each month. It really is a blast! It’s a bit like a classic car cruise, just with radios instead of V8s! Let me know if you get yours off the ground!
Hello Mindy,
T’was very nuce to have met you & the Mr. on Saturday as you’re now the newest inductees to The Great Hill Gang
(GHG), and not only are ye welcome, but please continue to pass the word.
Your Blog/post was extremely nice to read about us.
Hope to see you both, and others next month,
Hi Joe! I am listening to you right now on the 2M traffic net! It was great meeting you as well. We had such a nice time with the Gang! I am definitely spreading the word far and wide — I have a feeling that you guys will be having to turn people away before too long! I am looking forward to the next one, in the mean time I know I’ll hear you on the nets! 73s Mindy
First, it was my pleasure to meet you and Marc on Saturday up on “the hill” what a wonderful well written article about the “Great Hill Gang” just over a year and half of “Day of Radio” has taken place, and I always add to my knowledge of Radio, every time we meet there, it has turned into something really outstanding, from playing on the Radio, to just sitting back watching others operate, the fellowship I see take place is awesome, once again thank you, Marc and Nellie for making the trip to the “Great Hill” and you are now part of the “Gang”
Mike Antoine
Mike, you guys have created something really special. I am so glad to have made the trip up the hill! I think it is going to become a radio legend! We are looking forward to the next one already. 73s Mindy
Thanks for the mention! And for lighting a fire under me to skate again. I plan to skate in Taunton any Sunday eve patriots don’t have a late game.
Scott, nice to see you on wheels! Bob tells me we all skated together before in the inline club…I knew I recognized you! I am going to edit your call sign in now that I have it! See you at the rink or on the hill…us Roller Hams have to stick together! 73s Mindy