Checking Your SSTV Transmissions…Did You Make It Out There?
This SSTV tip is another one from Peter KC1HHO, whom you might remember planted the seed for getting into SSTV during the Eastern MA 2M Traffic Net (Boston ARC repeater 145.230[-] PL 88.5 @ 8pm Mondays) one night.
In any case, I have been having a bit of trouble with MMSSTV and its rig control with the Yaesu FT-991A. MMSSTV was suddenly unable to command the 991A to transmit. So, after messing up and fixing a firmware update (see this post) for the 991A, I still had no luck. I was able to use Yoniq instead of MMSTV after configuring the 991A again using these settings (and see this post) after the update, and then had luck transmitting. But, was I actually getting out?
Turns out, there are a couple of really good SSTV Libraries out there that post the latest SSTV transmissions (which credit goes to Peter KC1HHO for alerting me to these). Here they are:
And, yup, as you can see on WF3F’s site, I was able to get out with Yoniq. Such a fun mode! Hope to see one of your transmissions come through some day!
…Of course, sometimes things can get a little heated on 14.230MHz 😉