Radio Public Service: Staffing The Set The Pace 5K Run And Walk
K1USN put out the call that a couple more amateur radio operators were needed to staff the 10th Annual Set The Pace 5K Fun Run and Walk in Pembroke MA. Despite not actually knowing where Pembroke was (I’ve lived in Massachusetts for more than 20 years), I decided to take the plunge into radio public service. And of course, I dragged AA1F along with me.

We got there early with the appropriate repeater and simplex frequencies programmed into our handi-talkies. We met up with the race communications team in a parking lot of Hobomock Elementary School and were handed a map with our assignments. I was stationed at mile one. AA1F was about 1000 feet down the road from me, pretty much in eyesight.

Soon a police officer on a motorcycle showed up to divert traffic. He let me take a picture, even posed a little bit for it.

Soon the runners (and walkers) started trotting by.
I reported back to the Race Net Control Operator when the first runner passed by as instructed, and when the last runner passed by. The last runner was followed by the one of the race communications operators in a vehicle. Once the last runner went by our assigned station, our participation in the event was over. As you might imagine, it did not take long for the runners to pass the first mile of the course.

I snagged AA1F and we drove back to the starting point…which was now the finish line. For our efforts, we each received an official race shirt.

It was a beautiful, cool, crisp, fall day for a race. As far as commitments go, this one was easy. But I still left with the sense of satisfaction that comes from performing a public service. I am already looking forward to the next time a lady with a radio is needed out there in the community.
Truly Yours,