Clean-Up Duty At The Folks’ Homestead…TIMBER!!!
About the only thing I like more than chainsawing is chipping wood. So it is always a pleasure when my parents find me even a little something to cut down.
A Secret Little Adventure Ham Radio Blog
About the only thing I like more than chainsawing is chipping wood. So it is always a pleasure when my parents find me even a little something to cut down.
By now it should be pretty obvious that Summits-On-The-Air, and attaining its elusive Mountain Goat award, is hard for New England activators. Summertime hikes up any given mountain with four successful summit QSOs, are only worth a maximum of 10 points a piece. And these 10 points are only reserved for the northeast’s most challenging …
Gosh these are adorably cute little ham radios. And they got me 16 SOTA points this weekend on Mounts Greylock and Osceola!
Just a quick look at AA1F and my 2B ENY Field Day from our farm in Upstate NY. The generator is running under the blue tarp. We got lucky, but rain had been predicted for much of the weekend. Most of it missed us fortunately! We did decide not to put up the military mast …
If you understand that title, then you are one of us!! Hope to catch you on the air, especially the alpha stations back in EMA. I’ll miss you all! Hope to catch you on the air! KM1NDY
I just crossed over the 500 mark for Summits-On-The-Air. When I first started this program 3 1/2 years ago, and over a hundred mountains later, I would joke that it was going to take me a decade to get my Mountain Goat award. You need a thousand points. Haha?! But don’t worry, I don’t give …
The NEMass Fox Hunters were at it again with a hidden transmitter. This time at the Stony Brook Conservation Land in Westford MA. What an interesting piece of land. That I have never heard of. As usual, we arrived to the park fairly late in the afternoon. I was using my newest fox hunting set-up, …
After a pretty tough spring, the radio adventures are ready to gear up, and we have a new family member! Meet Georgia! Poor Georgia, a rescue from Buddy Dog Humane Society in Sudbury MA is some sort of shepherd-ish mutt. When she was a baby, her eye was bit out by another dog. Now, at …
A tad bit of spring danced through the air on this mid-March day. It was easy to justify a run up north to find the NEMass Fox Hunters hidden transmitter. From the small dirt parking lot we could hear a few measures of “Mary Had A Little Lamb” bleating out on 146.535MHz through our handheld …
“Late Shift” Parks-On-The-Air activation of K-6876, Castle Island, Boston Harbor. Yaesu FT-891 (100W), LDG-Z100 Plus autotuner, 40M EFHW antenna at 15 feet maximum height between two trees, 15AH Bioenno LiFePO4 battery. 112 Contacts. 1 Hour and 8 minutes. All on 40 meters. Walked home. What a great night. KM1NDY