Thirteen Points: Tecumseh
Solidly in the back nine now…
A Secret Little Adventure Ham Radio Blog
Solidly in the back nine now…
Along my journey on understanding radio, electronics, and in particular, the magic of baluns, ununs, and other transformers, I came across this helpful video on how to analyze a 49:1 unun with a NanoVNA. I replicated it with the the “Alleyway Antenna” transformer. This one below…unfortunately I did not take a lot of pictures of …
Well it wasn’t the CQWW SSB, but it was another girls getaway nonetheless. Though this time, it was without my beloved sweet pup Nellie, who passed away last spring. Georgia, who does her very best to constantly remind me she’s not Nellie, and I gathered up our gear and headed off to the Salisbury Beach …
It certainly feels a bit like I am going back to my roots lately with scrappy little antenna projects strung up along the fence in my alley. Yup, that is a giant trash barrel I am using as a table top. A lady ham’s gotta do what she’s gotta do, ya know? If you are …
It was only a few short years ago that I texted a friend of mine in a panic because I had chipped the corner of a ceramic capacitor (probably a 103 or something like that). I had spread its little wire legs too far apart while trying to put a through hole CW transceiver kit …
One of the best parts for me about maintaining this blog is being able to see my own progression within the amateur radio (and electronics) hobby. About a year and a half ago, I published my first attempt to breadboard a receiver (here). It is rather painful to look at. And it did not work. …
By now it should be pretty obvious that Summits-On-The-Air, and attaining its elusive Mountain Goat award, is hard for New England activators. Summertime hikes up any given mountain with four successful summit QSOs, are only worth a maximum of 10 points a piece. And these 10 points are only reserved for the northeast’s most challenging …
Jeff AC1JR has written up quite a fine debunking of the Scribbler. Find it here:
I was giving a talk at a hamfest this past weekend, and someone came up to me after and handed me a card. Not a business card, rather a ripped out sheet of paper from a small notepad with the drawing of an antenna. Unfortunately, I do not know the gentleman’s callsign. He swore it …
Gosh these are adorably cute little ham radios. And they got me 16 SOTA points this weekend on Mounts Greylock and Osceola!