Icom IC-705 LARPing as a IC-7300*
*Running barefoot is no longer mandatory (RM Italy 100W HF amplifier powered with a 15ah Bioenno LifePo4 battery).
A Secret Little Adventure Ham Radio Blog
*Running barefoot is no longer mandatory (RM Italy 100W HF amplifier powered with a 15ah Bioenno LifePo4 battery).
I judge all of my activities using roller skating as a barometer. As a long long long time roller skater, one of the things I like best about the skate community is its consistency. Skaters gotta skate as they say. The rinks have set hours for “adult nights” where we all show up and roll …
You know the feeling you get when you know you are going to disappoint someone? The funny sound in your voice when you try to figure out how to explain the “thing”? Well, let’s just say that is exactly how AA1F sounded when he told me he didn’t want to go stay in my cargo …
The day they knocked down the palais My sister stood and cried. “Come Dancing”, The Kinks, 1983
As usual AA1F and I would head down to the southeastern corner of Massachusetts to play a road rally (for all you motorheads!) style game of hide-and-seek with radios. This amateur radio direction finding event, colloquially called “foxhunting”, will have us driving in circles inside a 10-mile radius for 5 hours. Our primary goal is …
There would be no way for you to know that my lifelong dream is to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail. So when Mike WB2FUV put out the call to celebrate Benton MacKaye’s 1921 inspirational publication “An Appalachian Trail: A project in regional planning” by lighting up the AT, Marc AA1F, Nellie the Dog, and I were …
Thanks Hunters!
OBJECTIVE: Develop a pilot experiment to determine if Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) can be used by amateur radio operators to test radiofrequency propagation, and in particular compare antenna systems. DESIGN: Erect two 10M antennas in close proximity to one another. One antenna is a citizen’s band (i.e. CB) 11M steel whip on the roof …
K1USN put out the call that a couple more amateur radio operators were needed to staff the 10th Annual Set The Pace 5K Fun Run and Walk in Pembroke MA. Despite not actually knowing where Pembroke was (I’ve lived in Massachusetts for more than 20 years), I decided to take the plunge into radio public …
Sometimes you just want to take the easy way up, ya know? So after our pretty intense backpacking Summits-On-The-Air trek the week before, this week we wanted to lazily drive up a couple peaks for our points. And of course, once we get a little taste of sleeping outdoors…well, we want to keep it up. …