And Just In Case You Would Like More Information On The Un-Antenna…
Jeff AC1JR has written up quite a fine debunking of the Scribbler. Find it here:
A Secret Little Adventure Ham Radio Blog
Jeff AC1JR has written up quite a fine debunking of the Scribbler. Find it here:
I was giving a talk at a hamfest this past weekend, and someone came up to me after and handed me a card. Not a business card, rather a ripped out sheet of paper from a small notepad with the drawing of an antenna. Unfortunately, I do not know the gentleman’s callsign. He swore it …
Skaters gotta skate.
Gosh these are adorably cute little ham radios. And they got me 16 SOTA points this weekend on Mounts Greylock and Osceola!
Just a quick look at AA1F and my 2B ENY Field Day from our farm in Upstate NY. The generator is running under the blue tarp. We got lucky, but rain had been predicted for much of the weekend. Most of it missed us fortunately! We did decide not to put up the military mast …
If you understand that title, then you are one of us!! Hope to catch you on the air, especially the alpha stations back in EMA. I’ll miss you all! Hope to catch you on the air! KM1NDY
I am literally afraid to turn anything off. I am sitting here with two computers connected together with an ethernet cable. A Yaesu FT-991A on the left of me, and not one, but two Yaesu FT-891As on the right of me. One of the 891s is mine. The other is AA1F’s. Which I recently ran …
I just crossed over the 500 mark for Summits-On-The-Air. When I first started this program 3 1/2 years ago, and over a hundred mountains later, I would joke that it was going to take me a decade to get my Mountain Goat award. You need a thousand points. Haha?! But don’t worry, I don’t give …
If there is anything I have learned about Chester, it’s that it has weather. Our first time at the caboose was Winter Field Day of 2021. There were record low temperatures that night and we were not sure we would be able to survive the cold quite literally. Our next time at the Caboose was …
The NEMass Fox Hunters were at it again with a hidden transmitter. This time at the Stony Brook Conservation Land in Westford MA. What an interesting piece of land. That I have never heard of. As usual, we arrived to the park fairly late in the afternoon. I was using my newest fox hunting set-up, …