It’s A Chip ‘N’ Dip Kinda Night…
…for the ladies who won’t simulate.
A Secret Little Adventure Ham Radio Blog
…for the ladies who won’t simulate.
These things start out so innocently, don’t they? You see a little Cee Bee radio at a truck stop one day. What harm can something like that do? A little four watt AM radio with a mag mount antenna on the roof, and power coming from the cigarette lighter. You listen to truckers talking about …
A tad bit of spring danced through the air on this mid-March day. It was easy to justify a run up north to find the NEMass Fox Hunters hidden transmitter. From the small dirt parking lot we could hear a few measures of “Mary Had A Little Lamb” bleating out on 146.535MHz through our handheld …
Truth be told, I was starting to get a little envious of those who had a good 2M mobile radio solution in their vehicles. Despite the nearly 125,000 miles on my cargo van (affectionately called “Limey”), I was not interested in either putting holes in the roof or elsewhere for a permanent antenna mount, and …
“Late Shift” Parks-On-The-Air activation of K-6876, Castle Island, Boston Harbor. Yaesu FT-891 (100W), LDG-Z100 Plus autotuner, 40M EFHW antenna at 15 feet maximum height between two trees, 15AH Bioenno LiFePO4 battery. 112 Contacts. 1 Hour and 8 minutes. All on 40 meters. Walked home. What a great night. KM1NDY
Look. It’s hard putting yourself out there on the internet. This may be a touchy subject. We all want to put our best self forward. It is not easy with all of that random background noise out there. It is so easy to say, what’s the harm if I just put a filter on? No …
Just wait until I add a linear to this thing…
This past weekend marked my fourth year as a licensed amateur radio operator. A SOTA activation of 2-pointer Mt. Kearsarge (W1/HA-010), complete with the 3-winter bonus point entitlement was in order. And of course, it counts as POTA entity K-2685 as well! The hike is reasonably easy. A bit over a mile up when you …
Anyone surprised the poor dude changed frequencies immediately? But I couldn’t help but share my excitement! First. RTTY. Contact. Ever. (I got a little better as the contest went…)
Take a look at this post to see what Mount Monadnock was like on New Year’s Eve. Contrarily, the weather was a balmy 30 to 40 degrees in the second week of February. The sun shined brightly. And we could see Boston. Honestly. Winter bonus points season for the Summits-On-The-Air program meant the 4-point peak …