How To Set Up SDRplay RSP2 with GNU Radio
This post is simply to document that the only way I found to connect my SDRplay RSP2 software defined radio receiver with GNU Radio software was by following the instructions exactly on this link: . I have copied the page and made notes on it below to simplify the process for Windows 10 users. Otherwise, I have nothing to do with the development of this procedure — I am just a very grateful user of it!

For the steps labeled “6th” and “7th”, you are directed to another website which I copied and annotated below: . This part is a little bit trickier. Make sure to download and unzip the source code files, remembering where you put them. And then download and also know where you put the file ending in tar.bz2 .

If you did it right, opened up the GNU Radio Companion and then find the example files as described. I chose the rsp2.grc file to see if my radio worked. I managed to change the center frequency to 7MHz. I can see some of the spectrum below.

Ok, that’s it for now. At least I may remember how to do this again now.