About My Secret Little Radio Blog
Well, it turns out I am rather fond of posting snippets from my ham radio and other bit adventures… So I carved out my own little island of internet, and now you’ve gone and stumbled in… Hopefully I amuse you for a minute or two!

I started in ham radio early in 2019, following a stint on the citizen’s band. Now an amateur extra class, my passion is portable ops. Anything that lets me sit in the dirt and play radio is high up on my list of favorite things to do! I especially love Summits-on-the-Air (SOTA) chasers and Parks-on-the-Air (POTA) hunters… you guys rock my radio experience!
As an urban ham living in the heart of Boston, I’ve had to be creative with my radio activities. My home antenna is a 40M ocf that runs along a privacy fence in an alleyway! Believe it or not, I do okay-ish with this set-up… That said I have become enchanted with portable ops, taking my yaesu 891a with me on all sorts of adventures.
My favorite qth set-up right now is running my antenna through a switch to the yaesu-891 and the SDRPlay RSP2. I am enjoying the gorgeous SDRUno waterfall alongside my favorite little badboy transceiver. (Yes, a repeated theme of mine is how much I love the 891! I have its brother the 857d as well, but I can’t warm up to it as much yet…)
For portable ops, I use a variety of antennae, but my go-to is often a radiowavz 20M half-wave endfed, my 891 (of course), a 15ah bioenno battery, and an LDG z-100plus tuner.
Keep a look out for me on the mountains! I particularly love SOTA. And I definitely love each and every one of the chasers that contacts me. You absolutely make my ham radio experience!
I dig qsl cards, and will qsl back. Please send them directly to me! No need to send stamps, and if I send one to you do not feel obligated to respond if you are not a paper fan!
This radio stuff is dang fun. I am happy to be a part of it! 73s!
Feel free to contact me!